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  • Photo of Kelly Blackburn

    Vice President of Finance

    As CAST’s Vice President of Finance, Kelly Blackburn is responsible for managing all financial aspects of CAST, including accounting and payroll functions, financial reporting, budget development and management, grant management, compliance, and contracting.

  • Headshot of Kisha Barton

    Senior Director of Communications

    As Senior Director of Communications, Kisha leads CAST’s public relations division efforts in promoting CAST’s nonprofit work and Universal Design for Learning framework to diverse audiences.  She oversees external and internal communications, including strategic communications, media relations, messaging strategy, thought leadership, websites, social media, and promotional collateral.

  • Four overlapping icons representing the four UDL-SICC domains: School Culture and Environment, Teaching and Learning, Leadership and Management, and Professional Learning.

    Wednesday, July 21, 2021

    These exciting new resources will allow schools to guide and measure their use of UDL to create inclusive learning experiences and environments.

  • U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs logo

    Thursday, December 3, 2020

    CAST & KU have won a 4-year, $1.6 million grant from the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to develop a sustainable coaching model that supports systemic implementation of UDL.

  • Headshot of Charles Hitchcock

    Several groundbreaking initiatives unfolded during my tenure as Chief Officer of Technology and Policy at CAST from 1993 to 2016. CAST pioneered Researchware and the Pioneer Program, offering tailored software to enhance learning accessibility. This caught the attention of Alan Alda, who featured CAST's work on PBS's Scientific American Frontiers.

  • Educating All Learners logo |

    Wednesday, April 15, 2020

    CAST is pleased to join dozens of special-education advocacy and innovation organizations to form the Educating All Learners Alliance, a resource hub and online community to support students with disabilities and their teachers and caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Ari Fleisher, at home showing her home office space during the first virtual UDL 101 hosted by CAST

    Monday, May 11, 2020

    CAST has quickly pivoted to providing virtual learning events in place of our popular in-person institutes. Our first two ventures into this environment were a smashing success for facilitators and participants!

  • INCLUDE logo: International Collaboratory for Leadership in Universally Designed Education

    Thursday, June 11, 2020

    CAST is pleased to announce its participation in the newly formed International Collaboratory for Leadership in Universally Designed Education (INCLUDE), a global network of researchers, students, and practitioners committed to strengthening outcomes for all learners.

  • Wednesday, December 3, 2014

    T.H.E. Journal, a leading national magazine about education technology, features CAST’s work in its December issues. The article “6 Ways to Engage Every Learner Using UDL” explains to teachers “how to make your lessons more accessible and your lesson planning more fun.”

  • Progress meter, exceeding our goal at 125%

    Monday, March 19, 2018

    CAST is thrilled to announce that we have reached and exceeded our Phase I goal for the Founders' Fund for Innovation!

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