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  • Photo of a woman with Down syndrome smiling and speaking to colleagues at a grocery store

    CAST is partnering with CTE educators across the state of Massachusetts to build their knowledge and skills in the Universal Design for Learning framework to design instruction for all CTE students, including students with disabilities.

  • Webinar
    graphic of science book open to table of contents and picture of pouring water

    3:00PM – 4:00PM ET on Monday, June 15, 2020

    Learn about the latest technologies for removing barriers at each stage of the writing process in order to empower every learner as an author.

  • Photo of a blank label

    Students with learning disabilities often report feeling stigmatized and stereotyped in school settings. This can have dramatic effects on academic performance in critical subjects such as math. Such barriers to learning can, in turn, have a lifelong impact on achievement.

  • TIES Center logo

    The TIES Center mission is to create sustainable changes in school and district educational systems so that students with significant cognitive disabilities can fully engage in the same instructional and non-instructional activities as their general education peers while being instructed in a way that meets individual learning needs.

  • A well-loved copy of Unlearning with sticky notes, a mug of coffee, and the UDL Guidelines in the background

    An important part of learning is unlearning habits and ways of thinking when trying to make substantive changes. Learn more about the Unlearning Cycle and how it affects educators when incorporating UDL into their practice.

  • The UDL Guidelines are a living, dynamic tool that is continuously developed based on new research and feedback from practitioners. Since the release of “Version 1.0” in 2008, CAST has released three other versions reflecting different structural and content changes. In 2020, CAST launched our most recent effort to update the UDL Guidelines. This update focuses specifically on updating the Guidelines through an equity lens. While the Guidelines have become a valuable tool to help practitioners design for learner variability, we recognize that gaps and biases exist. There has been a strong call from the field—both practitioners and researchers alike—to more fully develop the Guidelines to address critical barriers rooted in biases and systems of oppression. The current update aims to respond to this call and to work toward fulfilling the promise of the Guidelines as a tool to guide the design of learning environments that more fully honor and value every learner.

  • Postsecondary: Instructor-Led Course
    Collage of three postsecondary settings: a lecture hall, a lab, and on-the-job training

    Monday, February 3 – Friday, March 28, 2025

    Designed exclusively for higher education, this course includes strategies to remove barriers to learning for postsecondary students.

  • Postsecondary: Instructor-Led Course
    Collage of three postsecondary settings: a lecture hall, a lab, and on-the-job training

    Monday, June 2 – Friday, July 25, 2025

    Designed exclusively for higher education, this course includes strategies to remove barriers to learning for postsecondary students.

  • Postsecondary: Instructor-Led Course
    Collage of three postsecondary settings: a lecture hall, a lab, and on-the-job training

    Monday, September 8 – Friday, October 31, 2025

    Designed exclusively for higher education, this course includes strategies to remove barriers to learning for postsecondary students.

  • Screenshots from some of the Technology Feature Brief documents

    These briefs are designed for educators, developers, and researchers to find out more about particular features within technology tools, how they’re used, and whether they might be effective in addressing different barriers within a technology environment.

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