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Showing results 21-30 of 507 for cast

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  • The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    Friday, October 29, 2021

    Experience our brand new podcast produced by the National AEM Center at CAST.

  • Screenshot of the new CAST Professional Publishing website

    Friday, October 15, 2021

    More than a facelift, our new website brings us under the CAST domain and provides a number of improvements to navigation and accessibility.

  • CAST's copyright notice for its websites and tools, unless otherwise noted.

  • Headshot of Andratesha Fritzgerald

    CAST means community to me. I have found such powerful connections with the staff and the UDL community at large. CAST has been a hub of resources, friendship and hope.

  • The Anne Meyer & David Rose Founders' Fund for Innovation | CAST logo

    Thursday, May 16, 2019

    Thanks to generous donations from supporters like you, CAST is pleased to announce the Anne Meyer & David Rose Founders’ Fund for Innovation projects for 2019!

  • Photo of CAST CEO Lindsay Jones speaking to event guests, standing in front of three banners spelling out UDL.

    Monday, May 20, 2024

    Our 40th Anniversary event hosted by Microsoft in Washington DC

  • Photo of Lindsay Jones

    Tuesday, January 11, 2022

    With more than 20 years of experience in education policy and legal advocacy, Lindsay will begin her new role as CAST CEO in March, 2022.

  • Podcast
    The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    National AEM Center at CAST, 2021

    In the conclusion of our three-part series exploring the history of accessibility at CAST, co-founders Skip Stahl and David Rose reflect on how that history continues to inspire and inform the work of the technical assistance centers based at CAST.

  • Headshot of Deborah Waber

    Founding CAST as an independent non-profit was a huge risk and uncertain future. The thought that CAST would have grown and flourished to achieve the national and international prominence and influence it enjoys today was unimaginable to the founders. Still, they were young, ambitious, optimistic, and willing to take risks.

  • CAST logo

    Monday, October 18, 2021

    Read our letter to the National Assessment Governing Board urging them to include UDL principles when updating the National Assessment of Education Progress science framework.

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