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  • Headshot of Elizabeth Barker

    Senior Technical Assistant & Project Director

    An educator at heart, Elizabeth has been involved in education and digital accessibility for over 20 years. Her passion for ensuring students and adults have access to learning is palpable.

  • Headshot of Mia Laudato

    Senior Technical Assistant & Co-Project Director

    Passion and purpose are 2 words to describe how Mia feels about inclusive education for students with disabilities.

  • Icon representing the UDL Guidelines graphic organizer

    The UDL Guidelines 3.0 Collaborative brings together CAST staff representing different branches of the organization as well as representatives within the larger UDL community.

  • Book cover: Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice

    When CAST first began publishing for teachers about UDL, we still saw printed books as the primary medium, supplemented by digital enhancements and supports. Now the printed text supplements what's online. Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice is an online multimedia "book" that includes contributions from dozens of educators in the field.

  • CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    As part of our barrier-busting mission, CAST offers a number of robust (and often free) learning tools.

  • Podcast
    The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    National AEM Center at CAST, 2023

    Learn about the CALM, or Choose Accessible Learning Materials initiative helping drive digital accessibility at Virginia Tech in the latest episode.

  • Podcast
    The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    National AEM Center at CAST, 2023

    Learn more about ways to coordinate work around Universal Design for Learning across states to support more systemic and sustainable UDL implementation.

  • Podcast
    The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    National AEM Center at CAST, 2022

    Tune in to hear Dr. Eric Moore’s insights on how we can all work to create more inclusive workplaces.

  • Symposium
    Empowering Learners logo. Inspire change. Create the future. CAST's 4th Annual UDL Symposium

    Monday, July 30 – Wednesday, August 1, 2018

    CAST's Annual UDL Symposium is one of the premiere education events focused on leading the field of Universal Design for Learning forward. This year’s UDL Symposium is an opportunity to come together as a community to explore the promise of Universal Design for Learning for empowering learners. July 31 - August 1, 2018 at the Harvard Law School campus in Cambridge, MA.

  • Webinar
    Illustration of a globe with line connections enhanced with hearts

    3:30PM – 5:00PM ET on Thursday, July 16, 2020

    In this webinar you will meet a superintendent, a principal, and a teacher, along with an Implementation Specialist from CAST who is supporting their work to integrate UDL. Each member of the panel will share their remote learning story, reflect on what they learned, and discuss how they will carry their new understanding about designing to meet the needs of all students forward into the coming school year.

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