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  • Podcast
    The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    National AEM Center at CAST, 2022

    Tune in to hear Dr. Eric Moore’s insights on how we can all work to create more inclusive workplaces.

  • Podcast
    The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    National AEM Center at CAST, 2023

    Learn about the CALM, or Choose Accessible Learning Materials initiative helping drive digital accessibility at Virginia Tech in the latest episode.

  • Podcast
    The Accessible Learning Experience | CAST, Illustrations of a microphone, sound waves, digital text, and wifi

    National AEM Center at CAST, 2023

    Learn more about ways to coordinate work around Universal Design for Learning across states to support more systemic and sustainable UDL implementation.

  • Teacher viewing Writer's Key progress monitoring screen.

    CAST has partnered with Arizona State University to develop and evaluate the impact of a professional learning ecosystem to support 7th and 8th-grade teachers in providing more effective writing instruction to students with high-incidence disabilities.

  • CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    CAST translates new discoveries into practices that make learning possible for more people in more places. Learn more about our professional learning work.

  • CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    The best parts of our work generate questions, conversations, and stories to share with each other. They also give insight into how we innovate, the challenges we face, and how we address those challenges.

  • UDL Implementation process graphic

    CAST’s UDL Implementation Planning is designed to address the unique needs of your school, district or organization and affect systems-level change.

  • Photo of an active audience at a CAST event

    CAST’s learning scientists, education researchers, curriculum developers, and other experts provide sought-after speaking engagements on a range of topics related to UDL.

  • Webinar
    Photo of Jennifer Pusateri and the cover of her book, Transform Your Teaching with Universal Design for Learning

    4:00PM – 5:00PM ET on Tuesday, November 1, 2022

    Join us for this behind-the-scenes discussion with Jennifer Pusateri about her newly released book from CAST Publishing: "Transform Your Teaching with Universal Design for Learning."

  • Webinar
    Photo of Chelsea Miro | Unbound Learning: A conversation with CAST author Chelsea Miro

    3:30PM – 4:30PM ET on Monday, February 10, 2020

    Author Chelsea Miro invites us to “Imagine a classroom that empowers every student to pursue their interests, to travel the paths of their curiosity, to allow learning to be a natural process.” What does this look like, sound like, and feel like? How can we design our classrooms and lessons so that they bring this vision to reality?

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