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  • Discover how CAST can empower your institution with inclusive education tools aligned with the National Education Technology Plan

  • Photo of Wendy Scott Keeney, Joanne Patton, and Sherri Wilcauskas

    According to former board president, Joanne Patton, CAST had the dreams and the professionalism to help her son George grow his confidence as a learner and communicator. Learn more about George and Joanne as she recounts how CAST made an impact on her, her son, and her family.

  • Quick Read
    Screenshot of the Key Questions document

    CAST, 2020

    An alternate way to consider the UDL Guidelines is to look at some key questions that each Guideline answers. When planning a lesson or unit, consider these questions to ensure that the environment is flexible and inclusive of all learners.

  • Blog Post

    Reed & Coyne, 2014

    In this blog post, 7 th grade teacher Stacey Reed and CAST Research Scientist Peggy Coyne share ideas and resources to help teachers engage students in the scientific process. They tie this work to the Common Core State Standards ...

  • Statement
    CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    CAST, 2023

    This document provides evidence-based considerations regarding digital accessibility for students with disabilities, and other underserved populations, that can and should be incorporated across all federal policy impacting access to education.

  • CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    CAST has a long history of work in accessibility, accessible materials, and inclusive technologies. Learn more about our Centers and projects focused on expanding the availability and use of accessible materials as well as creating more inclusive systems that incorporate accessible systems and practices.

  • Screenshot of the CAST Folktales tool where the user selects a story to read

    The CAST Folktales line of work supported literacy development for students, with a special focus on encouraging English Language Learners to leverage their home language to build reading comprehension skills in English.

  • Caroline Horvitz receiving the 29 Who Shine Award from Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick with her sign language interpreter standing by

    Meet Caroline Horvitz and her father, former CAST board member, Jeffery Horvitz, and find out how CAST helped bust barriers to learning for this amazing young woman.

  • Photo of an AEM Center staff meeting

    Our team includes experts in human development, neuropsychology, instructional design, literacy instruction, learning analytics, technology design, accessibility, and more.

  • CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    CAST's work is made possible by the generous financial support of foundations, corporations, government agencies, and individuals. We regularly partner with other research organizations, K-12 and postsecondary educators, government agencies and foundations to investigate solutions to challenging questions.

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