Showing results 341-350 of 522 for cast
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We're improving career and technical education across the state of Michigan by developing a shared professional development vision and a common student-centered language focused on inclusion and the UDL framework.
As part of our barrier-busting mission, CAST offers a number of robust (and often free) learning tools.
The AccessATE project goal is to support the ATE community and provide grantees with the tools and knowledge to increase the accessibility and usability of their resources and activities. CAST will be providing technical assistance on accessibility and Universal Design for Learning to ATE Centers and ATE research grants.
CAST, 2013
CAST responds to request by the writers of the assessments aligned to Common Core standards for comments on drafts of the assessments. In this statement, CAST points out five areas where the assessments could be improved to make ...
CAST, 2013
CAST responds to a request by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) for comments on its draft PARCC Accommodations Manual for the organization’s large-scale assessment. In this statement, CAST points out five areas where the assessments could be improved to make them more accessible and effective for learners, especially those with disabilities.
Learn about our partnership with the New Hampshire Department of Education to build a statewide web of educators interested in implementing the UDL framework in their classrooms.
CAST, 2013
CAST responds to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium’s request for public comment about its Accessibility and Accommodations Guidelines.
2:00PM – 3:00PM ET on Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Educators are integrating social media into their professional learning routines, their daily communications, and their instructional practices. But how do we plan for variability in our social media followers? Join Mindy Johnson, Director of Digital Communications and Outreach for CAST, to learn easy tips for making your social media posts more accessible and more usable by everyone.
3:00PM – 4:00PM ET on Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Join CAST on Tuesday, November 28, 2017, for a free online workshop with Patti Kelly Ralabate and Loui Lord Nelson to discuss the challenges faced when educating ELs and the supports provided through Culturally Responsive Teaching and Universal Design for Learning.
9:00AM – 10:00AM ET on Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Join CAST on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 for a free online workshop with Katie Novak to discuss the most effective strategies for supporting all kids and using the UDL principles to unlock the doors to academic success.