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  • Webinar
    Introducing Proposed Updates to UDL Guidelines 3.0 webinar Hosted by CAST CEO Lindsay Jones and presented by UDL Guidelines 3.0 Co-chairs Jenna Gravel and Nicole Tucker-Smith

    1:00PM – 2:00PM EST on Monday, March 18, 2024

    CAST CEO Lindsay Jones and Guidelines 3.0 co-chairs Jenna Gravel and Nicole Tucker-Smith shared the proposed updates for the 3.0 version of the UDL Guidelines.

  • Webinar
    Photo of Jennifer Pusateri and the cover of her book, Transform Your Teaching with Universal Design for Learning

    4:00PM – 5:00PM ET on Tuesday, November 1, 2022

    Join us for this behind-the-scenes discussion with Jennifer Pusateri about her newly released book from CAST Publishing: "Transform Your Teaching with Universal Design for Learning."

  • Webinar
    Image of a student using an assistive technology style keyboard

    4:00PM – 5:00PM ET on Monday, September 25, 2023

    Explore the role of UDL and AT in inclusive literacy instruction in our upcoming webinar featuring CAST experts.

  • CAST logo with a stack of books

    In 2014, CAST launched its own publishing house to bring exceptional media products to the educators. Since then we have issued more than two dozen new titles to inform and inspire practice across subjects and levels.

  • CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    As part of our mission to bust all barriers to learning, CAST researches, designs, and develops innovative solutions to make education more inclusive and effective.

  • Until learning has no limits ®

    CAST is a multifaceted organization with a singular ambition: Bust the barriers to learning that millions of people experience every day. We do this by helping educators and organizations apply insights from the learning sciences and leading-edge practices to educational design and implementation.

  • Icon representing the UDL Guidelines graphic organizer

    The UDL Guidelines 3.0 Collaborative brings together CAST staff representing different branches of the organization as well as representatives within the larger UDL community.

  • Book cover: Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice

    When CAST first began publishing for teachers about UDL, we still saw printed books as the primary medium, supplemented by digital enhancements and supports. Now the printed text supplements what's online. Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice is an online multimedia "book" that includes contributions from dozens of educators in the field.

  • CAST logo surrounded by purple waves

    CAST translates new discoveries into practices that make learning possible for more people in more places. Learn more about our professional learning work.

  • Teacher viewing Writer's Key progress monitoring screen.

    CAST has partnered with Arizona State University to develop and evaluate the impact of a professional learning ecosystem to support 7th and 8th-grade teachers in providing more effective writing instruction to students with high-incidence disabilities.

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