Showing results 131-138 of 138 for UDL guidelines
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Advanced technology programs at postsecondary institutions can't recruit high school students fast enough to keep up with the demand for expertly trained technicians. CAST, along with community college and technical institution partners, are addressing the barriers students face in these programs to increase the diversity of the talent pool for technical careers.
Tuesday, January 29 – Saturday, February 2, 2019
CAST staff have some amazing presentations to share with you at ATIA 2019! January 29 - February 2, 2019 Orlando, FL
CAST's accessibility policies and how to contact us if you have questions.
We're supporting districts in northern California to recover after learning loss as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic compounded with the devastating wildfires in that region.
CAST, 2013
CAST offers recommendations to the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) to improve its proposed accommodations for students with disabilities who take PARCC’s large-scale assessment. The accommodations in question concern writing.
CAST, 2013
CAST responds to a request by the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) for comments on its draft PARCC Accommodations Manual for the organization’s large-scale assessment. In this statement, CAST points out five areas where the assessments could be improved to make them more accessible and effective for learners, especially those with disabilities.
CAST is working as a part of the web infrastructure team (collaborating with the Director of Digital Infrastructure and Virtual Community and the Director of Operations and Communication for the REVISE Center) to advise and consult on creating tools for the AISL Equity Resource Center, specifically, the materials and products created and posted on the AISL website.
Designed to help learners build self-awareness through discovering, choosing, and using preferences that help build learning skills, Clusive™ is the latest in a long line of CAST literacy projects to make digital education materials accessible, flexible, and engaging.