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Showing results 141-150 of 245 for research

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  • Article

    Y. Domings, et al., 2014

    The authors discuss ways that the Universal Design for Learning principles and guidelines help educators move beyond just providing access to content, enabling us to instead move toward providing access to quality learning experience ...

  • Article

    T. Hall, et al., 2014

    Curriculum-based assessments (CBA) are defined as any set of measurement procedures that use direct observation and recording of a student’s performance in a local curriculum as a basis for gathering information to make instructional …

  • Article

    S. G. Daley, et al., 2013

    This study investigated the relationship between emotional responses and reading performance in middle-school students. Although a large number of prior studies have investigated the relationship between emotion and reading, those studies ...

  • Article

    G. Rappolt-Schlichtmann & S.E. Watamura, 2013

    In this introduction to a special section of Mind, Brain, and Education, the authors highlight two articles and a commentary, which broaden our focus beyond cortisol and stress system functioning to other hormone systems and tackle ...

  • Report
    Two images of the same article within the CISL reader environment are shown side-by-side. The article in the image on the right has letters that are more spaced out from one another, compared to the article in the left image. Above the two images a line of text reads “More or less space between letters?” with two arrows, one pointing to each image.

    CISL at CAST, 2023

    The option to adjust the spacing between letters and words is an option that makes documents accessible for all. Do you prefer reading text with the letters spaced more closely together or further apart?

  • Report
    Two images of the same article within the CISL reader environment are shown side-by-side. The article in the image on the right has more space between lines of text, compared to the article in the left image. Above the two images a line of text reads “More or less space between lines?” with two arrows, one pointing to each image.

    CISL at CAST, 2023

    Options to adjust line spacing can impact the accessibility of text and the level of engagement a reader has with the text. Readers value choosing to have the lines of text closer together or further apart.

  • Report
    Screenshot of a popup window in Clusive asking students of their thoughts on the reading and how it made them feel.

    CISL at CAST, 2023

    Applications and tools that capture and display learner affect, such as a mood meter, support students in identifying, assessing, and reflecting on their emotional state when engaging in readings or other learning activities.

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    Screenshot showing highlighted text from a longer piece of writing in situ as well as pulled out in a sidebar where the reader has taken some notes related to their annotations.

    CISL at CAST, 2023

    Annotation can include multiple strategies but generally refers to highlighting interesting or important parts of a text and writing notes about the text as a person reads. Annotations typically include a person’s thoughts, reflections, and questions.

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    Screen capture of text with highlighted words and alternate phrasing.

    CISL at CAST, 2023

    Automated text simplification uses automated processes like natural language processing, machine learning, or artificial intelligence (AI) to change how texts are worded to make them easier to understand.

  • Report
    Examples of different text and background contrast settings.

    CISL at CAST, 2023

    The option to choose screen colors and color contrast is an important access feature allowing users to select settings that best meet their preferences. Black text on a white background and yellow or white text on a black background are examples.

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